Winnaars NVMO-prijs Beste Proefschrift

Sinds 2010 wordt de NVMO-prijs voor Beste Proefschrift uitgereikt. 


2010 Pim Teunissen - Unravelling learning by doing
2012 Marjan Govaerts - Climbing the pyramid: towards understanding performance assessment
2014 Rashmi Kusurkar - Motivation in medical studies
2016 Carrie Chen – Early Learner Engagement in the Clinical Workplace
2018    Anouk Wouters en Anouk van der Gijp
2020 Marianne Mak-van der Vossen - Learning from Lapses. How to identify, classify and respond to unprofessional behavior in medical students.
2023  Stephanie Meeuwissen - Team Learning at  work. Getting the best out of interdisciplinary teacher teams and leader


Prijs beste proefschrift Overzicht